FOI Ref: 790 – Media Licenses

Response Date:  17 February 2016


Did the Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service pay for a NLA (Newspaper Licensing Agency) or CLA (Copyright Licensing Agency) media license in 2013-2014?

If so, how much was paid for the licenses in 2013-2014 (please provide the figures separately)?

Did the Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service pay for other media licenses (similar to the NLA or CLA) in 2013-2014? Please list any other media licenses that were subscribed to and how much was paid for them in 2013-2014.


Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service paid for a NLA license in the financial year 2013-14.  I can find no records of any payment to CLA in this period. £338 was paid to NLA.

Other media licences in this period were:

PPL (public performance licence) £8,164

PRS (music licence) £8,102

All amounts shown exclude any VAT payable.

Please note that the information supplied in response to this Freedom of Information Act request provides data for inspection by the enquirer, but does not give automatic right to re-use the information contained in this response which is subject to copyright and is not licensed for reuse including marketing

