
As a public service, finances and delivering value for money are extremely important to us as well as you.

We are committed to being open and transparent and provide you with the information you need in terms of spending the public purse. In this section you can find financial information relating to projected and actual income and expenditure, tendering, procurement and contracts.

Financial Plans

Each year, the Combined Fire Authority decides the level of Council Tax that will be charged, and lets our communities know via the publication of our Council Tax information leaflet. This money, along with business rates income and central government grants, make up our funding.

The revenue budget for 2023/24 has now been agreed and outlines what we plan to spend on running the service on a day-by-day basis.

The CFA has also approved a three year capital programme. This spending is for works of lasting benefit such as vehicles and equipment.

Full details of the budget for 2024/25 can be found by accessing the document below.

Staff and Pay

Our pay and grading scheme details how salaries are determined. Our pay policy statement outlines the authority's approach to the pay of our workforce, and in particular our senior staff. Salary information for our senior managers, as well as more details on responsibilities, can be viewed by visiting the organisation chart.

In addition to the details provided for our members' allowances and expenses, we also publish details of expenses for senior managers. As an organisation, we actively engage with representative bodies. Details of the time and costs some employees may undertake with them are in our trade union facility time document.

Financial Policies and Procedures

When purchasing goods and services we follow strict guidance which can be found in the financial policies and procedures.

More Information on how we handle money can be found in our financial regulations and annual audit report.

Audit Notice

Leicester, Leicesteshire and Rutland Combined Fire Authority (CFA) – Appointment of New Local Auditor The Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 and The Local Audit (Appointing Person) Regulation 2015 As required by the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014, the CFA gives notice of the appointment of Mazars LLP to audit the accounts of Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Combined Fire Authority for five years, for the accounts from 2018/19 to 2022/23. This appointment is made under regulation 13 of the Local Audit (Appointing Person) Regulations 2015, and was approved by the Public Sector Audit Appointments Board at its meeting on 14 December 2017.