Policies and Procedures

Our day-to-day work is governed by a number of key policies and procedures. Many of these are available in this area.

There are many more internal policies and procedures that are published for the Service and as a guide to staff. Whilst there are too many to publish all of them on our website, please contact us if you cannot find what you are looking for on our website.

Fraud and Investigation

As a public service we take the issue of fraud very seriously. For more information see our Counter Fraud Work Statement and the outcomes of any recent fraud investigations.

Customer Service

We value our customers and put the needs of our communities at the heart of everything we do. We accept that, from time to time, we may not do as well as we should. We need to know how we are doing and how we can improve.

If you wish to make a complaint against the Service please contact us here.

Services and Charges

There are some services that we charge for. Details of these along with their costs can be found in our Service Charges document.

If you wish to request a fire report for insurance purposes, or any other service detailed in the Special Service Charges document above, you can make a request via our contact form.

Data and Information

Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service has a revised Data Protection Policy in draft and will publish when agreed by our Senior Management Team.

Further information about our policy can be requested via email at: dataprotection@leics-fire.gov.uk or in writing to our Service HQ in Birstall, for the attention of the Data Protection Officer. The address is:

Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service
12 Geoff Monk Way