Request a Home Fire Safety Check

What is a home fire safety check?

This is a service which offers you advice on how to prevent fires and what to do in the event of a fire. It is carried out by Leicestershire Fire & Rescue Service and its partners and takes place at your home, lasting approximately 30 minutes. As part of this service, smoke alarms may be fitted and subsequent maintenance and replacement of these becomes the responsibility of the homeowner. Smoke alarms are not provided as a matter of course.

Who is eligible?

We only target our visits at people and places where we know there is a higher risk of fire. The information supplied in the application process will help us to determine your risk, so please complete the form as completely and accurately as possible. The check is not appropriate for people who live in accommodation where they are looked after, such as care homes. If this is the case, than a fire safety talk will be more suitable and this can be arranged by completing the community safety events form here.

Why request a visit?

If you are concerned that your home may be at risk of fire or know someone who you think needs our help, then please use this form to request a visit.

How long will it take to complete the form?

No more than a couple of minutes.

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