Strategies and Performance

As a responsible public authority, planning for the future and managing performance is vital to us.

At a time of public spending reductions, it is more important than ever that we plan effectively and constantly monitor our performance to review and manage how we are doing in reaching our objectives. We encourage ongoing self-assessment and improvement, and are subject to regular external and internal reviews and audits.

Assessments and Reviews

As a local authority, we are subject to audits and assessments to ensure we are accountable, complying with requirements and carrying out best practice.

The outcomes of those audits are reported to our Corporate Governance Committee. You can find the details and findings of those audits from the meeting papers which are accessed from the meeting schedule.

Our Annual Audit Letter summarises the findings from external audit work undertaken by the our external auditors. You can also review our latest peer challenge report; a review carried out by our peers, of our own self-assessment. This was in line with the fire and rescue service's operational assessment (Op A) toolkit.
