Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Combined Fire Authority Local Pensions Board

Meeting to be held at Leicester City Council, City Hall,  115 Charles Street, Leicester, LE1 1FZ


  1. Apologies
  2. Minutes of the Local Pension Board meeting held on 20 June 2018:  To approve the draft minutes of the Local Pension Board meeting held on 20 June 2018.
  3. Conflicts of Interests
  4. Key Performance Indicators; KPI overview, estimate breakdown, metric data (Appendix 1 – Pensions KPI Overview and Appendix 2 – Pensions Estimates Breakdown)
  5. Scheme Administrators Update: A verbal update will be given by Ian Howe, Leicestershire County Counci
  6. Scheme Managers Update: A verbal update will be given by Alison Greenhill, Leicester City Council.
  7. LFRS Firefighters’ Pension Scheme Risk Register
  8. Firefighters’ Pension Scheme Breaches Register
  9. Joint Pension Board – update: A verbal update will be given by Alison Greenhill, Leicester City Council.
  10. Date of next meeting: The next meeting of the Local Pensions Board will be held on Wednesday 12 December 2018 at Leicestershire County Council, County Hall, Glenfield following the annual meeting of the Combined Fire Authority.
  11. Any other business