
Incident Details

Postcode: Cold Overton Road | Oakham

Category: Road Traffic Collision

Station(s): Oakham Fire and Rescue Station, Uppingham Fire and Rescue Station


Call received to a Road Traffic Collision involving one vehicle with one person trapped within vehicle. Upon arrival of Fire Crews, this was confirmed as a Road Traffic Collision involving One Car involved in an RTC with a stationary vehicle. The car is on its side on two wheels. One person is trapped and is not injured. Road has been closed in both directions, equipment is being set up and extrication is in progress.

Please note that Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service warrants that the information provided is believed accurate as at the date and time of publishing, this includes an indication of the nature of the incident, the cause motive and basic cause description. The Service reserves the right after that date to change, at its absolute discretion, the information provided in any way it chooses including but not limited to deletion and addition without further notice to you.