Adverse Weather Conditions

High Winds

When the Met Office forecasts windy conditions, motorists and pedestrians are advised to take extra care and watch out for fallen trees and debris. To help, we have put together a number of safety tips and advice to keep you safe during this type of adverse weather.

  • Be aware of possible road disruption and trees down
  • Secure any building site scaffolding
  • Make any unsecured buildings safe
  • As a pedestrian, be aware of falling debris
  • Pay attention when driving, slow down, be aware of side winds and be particularly conscious of the dangers posed by debris that may have blown into the roadway.
  • Be extra careful when driving on exposed routes such as bridges or high open roads, and find alternative routes where possible. High wind may cause difficult driving conditions, especially for high-sided vehicles.
  • Take extra care when driving vehicles, caravans, and motorbikes, as there is an increased risk of them being blown over.

Please note: If you are affected by a fallen tree, this should be reported to the local highways authority as these are the ones that deal with these issues. The police only need to be involved if there is a significant risk to others OR there has been a collision AND someone is injured.


There are some simple steps you can take to reduce the risk of getting struck by lightning. If you are inside when a storm hits, stay inside. If you suspect your house or building has been struck by lightning causing a fire, 'get out, stay out and call 999' asking for the fire and rescue service. If you are outside during a storm, where possible, take shelter inside to avoid wide, open spaces. If you don't have anywhere to shelter, crouch down and keep as low to the ground as possible. Never shelter under trees or near water. If someone you know is hit by lightning, call the emergency services on 999. You can apply first aid if you need to, as you will not receive an electric shock. Acting fast could help save their life. More information can be found by visiting ROSPA's website and clicking here.


Floods can occur at any time, whether in summer or winter. Councils, emergency services, and the NHS work together to help people prepare for flooding and stay safe.

We advise you:

If you or anyone else is in danger as a result of a flood, call 999.

Leicestershire Fire and Rescue attend emergency calls to people trapped by floods in their homes and vehicles. The National Flooding Forum advise:

"Do not approach any fast-flowing or deep-standing water. If you enter swiftly flowing water, you risk drowning, regardless of your ability to swim. Six inches of fast-flowing water can sweep a 4×4 vehicle off the road."

In the event of a flood, we would advise you to follow the safety advice below:

  • Never attempt to drive through a flood when you don't know the depth. If you cannot see the road surface beneath the water, it's too deep! Just six inches of water can cause you to lose control of your car or stall it when water is sucked into the engine and exhaust.
  • Two feet of flowing water can sweep away most vehicles (including large 4x4s), and most cars will start to float in as little as a foot of water.
  • If you encounter a flooded road, always find an alternative route. Don't ignore Road Closed signs—they have been put out for your safety.
  • Do not attempt to walk through flooded areas. Even shallow water moving fast can sweep you off your feet, and hidden dangers, such as open drains or damaged road surfaces, may cause serious injuries or even death.
  • Do not travel in heavy rain storms unless absolutely necessary.
  • If your home does start to flood, turn off your electricity supply.
  • Listen out for warnings on radio and TV. If you know your home is at risk of flooding, prepare a list of useful phone numbers and keep it somewhere safe.
  • Following a flood in your home, make sure all electrical circuits are fully dried out and checked by an electrical engineer before switching back on.

For information on flooding in your area, visit the Environmental Agency website below:

Find out if you're at risk of flooding

More information can be found below:

HM Government - Floods Destroy

What Do You Do Next?

Frozen Water

Parents should warn their children of the dangers of frozen water. Supervise younger children at all times and teach children not to go on to frozen lakes, ponds, canals and reservoirs under any circumstances. Children and pets are particularly at risk when tempted to play on the ice formed on open water during cold weather. If possible find other areas to walk your animals and eliminate any risk to them and yourself. Keep animals on leads at all times when you are near the water. If a person or animal falls into frozen water, call 999 straight away and ask for assistance. The fire and rescue service is specially trained and equipped to deal with these incidents safely.


Bystanders should shout reassurance to casualties without endangering themselves. Encourage the casualty to conserve their energy by keeping as still as possible.

More information can be found by visiting the following websites:

ROSPA Guide to Ice and Open Water

Royal Life Saving Society UK