Medical Related Questions
What checks does the medical encompass?
Thu, 30 May 2024 09:38
• Blood pressure check
• Pulse reading
• Hearing test
• Lung function test
• Measurement of your height and weight
• BMI (Body Mass Index)
• Eyesight test
• Drugs test
How does the service deal with health conditions such as diabetes?
Thu, 30 May 2024 09:39
We treat each case on an individual basis. Decisions relating to whether or not a medical condition will prevent you from becoming a firefighter can only be made following a detailed and individual assessment with our Occupational Health Department.
I would like to become a firefighter but I wear glasses or have had laser eye surgery, is that a problem?
Thu, 30 May 2024 09:42
Laser eye surgery and wearing glasses are not problems, and we will look at each person's case individually. You will need to pass a standard eye test, and we may need to send you for an eye checkup with our own optician.
I think I am colour blind, is this an issue?
Thu, 30 May 2024 09:42
You should have an appropriate level of colour perception. Individuals with either normal colour vision or slightly abnormal green colour vision are suitable for appointment to the fire service. The recommended test procedure uses the Ishihara test as the initial screen, with two additional tests, if the applicant fails the screening, to determine the severity and type of colour vision deficiency. The results of these additional tests will be used to determine if an individual is able to become a firefighter.
I struggle sometimes to hear things, will this be an issue?
Thu, 30 May 2024 09:43
Firefighting staff need to have a minimum hearing level to be considered 'fit for role', which would typically be H2. Individuals who are below H2 may require a capability assessment before any decisions can be made on fitness for the role. It is unlikely that individuals with hearing below H3 level (with aids if appropriate) would be safe on the fire ground. The worst ear grades the individual in their placement with the Service.
I have a disability, can I become a firefighter?
Thu, 30 May 2024 09:44
Each application will be taken on its own merits and reasonable adjustments to both the role and the selection process will be considered where an applicant has a disability.
What if I have a medical issue?
Thu, 30 May 2024 09:45
Decisions relating to whether or not your medical issue will prevent you from becoming a firefighter can only be made following a detailed and individual assessment with our Occupational Health Department.
What if I have dyslexia?
Thu, 30 May 2024 09:45
If you have dyslexia or suspect you may have dyslexia, we are able to put appropriate measures in place to support you through the selection process. You will need to identify this on the application form and should you be shortlisted to the next stage you will be asked to submit an assessment report from an appropriately qualified health or education professional. This assessment report will help us identify how best we can support you, not only at selection stage but potentially throughout your fire service career. You may find it useful to contact the British Dyslexia Association.
What if I have asthma?
Thu, 30 May 2024 09:46
Asthma does not necessarily prevent you from becoming a firefighter. However, firefighters are exposed to smoke and other toxicants as part of their job, and these are irritating to the lungs and upper respiratory tract and can exacerbate the symptoms of wheezing in firefighters with Asthma. Your condition will be assessed at the medical stage by our Occupational Health Department, after which a decision will be made as to your suitability for the role of firefighter.
Do I have to be fit to apply?
Thu, 30 May 2024 09:48
You will need a good level of fitness and maintain it throughout your career as a firefighter. You will be required to undertake a fitness test to determine your aerobic capacity upon entry into the service, and this will take place at the same time as the job-related tests. This test will involve the multi stage shuttle run and will assess whether you are able to meet the minimum acceptable level of fitness to become a firefighter. You will be expected to remain fit throughout your career in the service and will undergo regular fitness testing to ensure you continue to meet or exceed this minimum standard.
Would somebody’s size affect their application?
Thu, 30 May 2024 09:48
No – this is a popular misconception because there used to be restrictions on height, weight and chest expansion. Candidates are expected to pass strength and fitness tests during recruitment and at regular intervals throughout their career. The tests are at a level that is achievable by men and women of all different sizes and builds.
Do you have a policy on equality, diversity and inclusion in recruitment?
Thu, 30 May 2024 09:50
Yes, we have a policy on equality and diversity in recruitment. We actively promote diversity in the workforce and have the following accreditations:
• Employers Network for Equality and Inclusion
• Disability Confident Employer
• Equality Framework for Fire and Rescue Services
In addition, we have internal Staff Networks for LGBT (shOUT), Disability (ENABLE), Female Staff Network (WOLFF) and a Race Network for BAME staff.