Planners and Developers

Fire Service Consultation (B5 Access Facilities to Domestic Properties)

Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service does not consult on plans or provide direct comments on access facilities for new domestic building developments.

To maintain public safety on any proposed sites, developers and architects are reminded to comply with the Building Regulations 2010 Approved Document B, Volume 1: Dwelling (2019 edition), Requirement B5: Access and facilities for the fire service.

Please note: site planning maps are not required to be sent through for approval.

A guidance document produced by Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service highlights the importance of adherence to effective access arrangements for fire appliances. The document informs planners and developers of the minimum requirements that should be incorporated to allow access to modern fire appliances.

The document also contains general guidance for planners and developers covering firefighting water supplies such as hydrants, open water, and sprinkler systems.

The document can be found below: