Our FOI and EIR Disclosure Log allows you to read our responses to previous requests where we have disclosed and published information from 1 January 2024. You are able to filter our responses by type, date and category. We keep this up-to-date with our latest responses. Sometimes we are not able to disclose and publish information requested, this is because we do not hold the information or we have applied a lawful exemption, these are not included in our FOI/EIR Disclosure Log.

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FOI 2415 Estates Management

Posted: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 14:14

Published date: 03/07/2024

The request:

1) When did you last undertake a condition survey of your estate?

2) Do you carry out fire risk assessments internally or via an external service provider?

3) Are your estate site plans current and accurate?

4) Do your estate site plans detail fire compartmentation lines?

5) Do you retain an up-to-date list of maintainable M&E assets?

Our response:

1) When did you last undertake a condition survey of your estate?

Our response – During the third Quarter of 2023

2) Do you carry out fire risk assessments internally or via an external service provider?
Our response – We carry out our own fire Risk Assessments internally

3) Are your estate site plans current and accurate?
Our response – Yes to the best of our knowledge

4) Do your estate site plans detail fire compartmentation lines?
Our response – Yes,90 % complete to date, and work is in progress to complete this to 100%

5) Do you retain an up-to-date list of maintainable M&E assets?
Our response – Yes within our Estates and Facilities Department data base

Tags: Buildings and Fleet