Our FOI and EIR Disclosure Log allows you to read our responses to previous requests where we have disclosed and published information from 1 January 2024. You are able to filter our responses by type, date and category. We keep this up-to-date with our latest responses. Sometimes we are not able to disclose and publish information requested, this is because we do not hold the information or we have applied a lawful exemption, these are not included in our FOI/EIR Disclosure Log.

Notes: Unless otherwise stated, the information provided in response to this request is made available under the Open Government Licence: http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/3/

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FOI 2289 - E-bike or E-scooter fires

2 Dec 2024 08:47

Published date: 15/01/2024

The request:

Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 please could you provide the following information:

Q1) Between January 1st 2023 - December 31st 2023, how many fires were suspected of being caused by faulty e-bike or e-scooter batteries by your fire service?

Q2) How many injuries occurred as a result of these fires?

Q3) How many deathsoccurred as a result from these fires?

Please may I have a response either via email or PDF?

Our response:

Q1) Between January 1st 2023 - December 31st 2023, how many fires were suspected of being caused by faulty e-bike or e-scooter batteries by your fire service?

6 fires

Q2) How many injuries occurred as a result of these fires?

2 persons injured

Q3) How many deaths occurred as a result from these fires?

1 person died

Tags: Operational Activity, Performance Statistics and Incidents