Sleeping Accommodation

If you own or run premises used for sleeping accommodation, you should devote time to ensuring that you have a suitable and sufficient fire risk assessment.

This will identify what you need to do to reduce the fire risk and keep people safe, especially those unfamiliar with your building.

Fire Risk Assessment

If you employ five or more people or if you're a licensed premises, you must keep a written record of your fire risk assessment and any significant findings. It should also be reviewed regularly, especially if any changes to the premises are made. You should focus on reducing the risk of a fire starting in the first place and minimising the risk to people by restricting the spread of fire and smoke and ensuring that escape routes are kept clear of hazards. You need to have an emergency plan for dealing with any fire situation, and it should be based on the outcomes of your fire risk assessment. The purpose of an emergency plan is to ensure that people know what to do if there is a fire and that the premises can be evacuated safely. An evacuation drill should be carried out regularly to ensure your emergency plan then works.

The Fire Risk Assessment Guide For Sleeping Accommodation contains further relevant information. The guide below will assist you in ensuring that you identify the hazards relevant to your premises and comply with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.

The pro formas here are intended to be used as guides for carrying out a fire risk assessment. Should you adopt one of these for your business premises, then the content must capture any unique aspects of the premises' design and how the building is used.

If you want more information on fire risk assessments, fire extinguishers, and risk information boxes, click here.

Other Guidance

For further guidance on your responsibilities as an employer, business owner or landlord, please see: