Offices and Shops

As a premises used by members of the public and employees, you should ensure that it complies with fire safety legislation and licensing objectives where applicable. Make sure that all of your fire safety provisions are in place and in working order.

This includes having the correct signage and emergency lighting, ensuring that your escapes are clear of boxes and clutter, and regularly inspecting any firefighting equipment.

Fire Risk Assessment

ALL responsible persons should keep a written record of their fire risk assessment and any significant findings. It should also be reviewed regularly, especially if any changes to the premises are made. This will identify what you need to do to reduce the risk of a fire occurring and keep people safe. It should also take into account any shared common areas and you should liaise with all other occupiers if you only occupy part of a building. The guide below gives advice about completing a fire risk assessment for all employers, managers, occupiers and owners of premises where the main use of the building (or part of the building) is an office or shop.

The pro formas here are intended to be used as guides for carrying out a fire risk assessment. Should you adopt one of these for your business premises, then the content must capture any unique aspects of the premises' design, as well as how the building is actually used.

If you want more information on fire risk assessments, fire extinguishers, and risk information boxes, click here.

Other Guidance

Suppose your premises have any sleeping accommodation associated with it, for example, a flat above a shop, even if it has separate access. In that case, you must consider it while conducting your fire risk assessment to ensure that occupants can be alerted if a fire occurs in your business premises. Please see the Sleeping Accommodation page for more details. For further guidance on your responsibilities as an employer, owner or landlord, please see: