
[From left to right: Station Manager Wayne Gale; Inspector Michael Cawley; Councillor Abdul Osman; Area Manager Richard Hall]

A group of school children got to witness the devastating effects of a hot oil fire in a live action demonstration as part of the launch of this year’s Celebrate Safely campaign.

The campaign is designed encouraging people across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland to consider the safety of their family and friends during a busy few of months of celebrations.

It is being run across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland to share important safety messages and advice and ties in with a number of upcoming celebrations through to Christmas and New Year, including Diwali, Navratri, Halloween and Bonfire Night. 

The campaign involves Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service, Leicestershire Police, Leicestershire County Council, Leicester City Council and a number of district and borough councils across the county.

It will include a programme of school visits, information stands in local shopping centres and the presence of the services at the celebratory events.

Andrew Brodie, Assistant Chief Fire and Rescue Officer at Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service, said: “The diverse communities across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland hold many cultural festivals and celebrations during autumn and winter.”

“With this in mind, the Celebrate Safely campaign helps the public stay safe during these periods by offering useful safety advice that is put together by all the local public-sector agencies.”

“Of course we want everyone to have fun and we urge people to keep themselves, their families and friends safe, as well as their property and belongings.”

Ivan Ould, cabinet member for community safety at Leicestershire County Council, added: “Whether you are celebrating Diwali or Christmas, we all want to enjoy these events surrounded by friends and loved ones. The Celebrate Safely campaign is all about helping to make sure we all have an enjoyable celebration and positive memories of these moments.”

Chief Inspector Jed Keen, Neighbourhood Policing lead for Leicestershire Police, said: “It is that time of year when the festivities and celebrations start to take place across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. While we want you to take part in the events and enjoy yourselves, it is also important that you stay safe.”

“By taking a few simple steps to protect yourself and your property, you can enjoy this special time of year without the fear of crime. Whether you are going to parties, festivals, events, or inviting friends and family round for fun and festivities, we hope that by following the Celebrate Safely advice you have a safe and enjoyable time.”

Councillor, Abdul Osman of Leicester City Council added: “We are very fortunate in Leicester to benefit from so many celebrations, we want residents and visitors to have an enjoyable safe celebrations. Working with colleagues from the Police and Fire Service we are able to spread the safety messages wider.”

For more in depth information, useful contacts and links and the calendar of events, visit www.celebratesafely.com.


Notes to editors
Interviews and photos from the official launch are available on request via Corporate Communications using the details shown below.

About the Service
Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service provides emergency response, prevention and protection services from 20 stations across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. Its headquarters is based in Birstall, Leicester.

The Service’s prevention, education, enforcement and inspection programmes have resulted in significant reductions in the number of incidents. In the last ten years, fire related incidents have reduced by 46 percent.

During 2015/16, the Service attended 666 road traffic collisions, of which 174 were extrications freeing 208 people trapped inside their vehicles and completed 5086 home fire safety checks, fitting almost 4481 smoke alarms. Staff organised or supported almost 1431 events aimed at promoting fire and road safety and arson prevention, whilst also visiting 332 schools to deliver fire and road safety education to pupils.

Corporate Communications
0116 229 2195

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