Braunstone Blues is working in partnership with a local fishing club to hold free fishing sessions for young people in Braunstone.

The Braunstone Blues team is made up of five staff from Leicestershire Police, Leicestershire Fire and Rescue and East Midlands Ambulance Service and was set up in 2015 to help reduce demand and repeat calls to emergency services from people in Braunstone. The team work closely with local organisations and groups to help create a healthy, safe and secure neighbourhood.

The free fishing sessions, organised by Braunstone Angling Fishing Club in partnership with Braunstone Blues, have received sponsorship from Sport Relief as part of an initiative to provide activities to keep young people entertained and to divert them from antisocial and criminal behaviour during the summer holidays.

The sessions will be held at Braunstone Park between 11am and 2pm every Tuesday, during the school summer holidays and are suitable for young people of all abilities between the ages 8 to 17 years.

Edd Rodgers, Manager for the Braunstone Blues team said: “We have been working closely with local clubs to find activities for young people to get involved in. Braunstone Angling Fishing Club have been brilliant allowing us to use their facilities to create this great opportunity for young people.”

PC Martin Hickey added: “We are really excited to be involved with the local fishing club. We often get told that the summer holidays can be boring for local young people as often they find themselves with nothing to do. We thought this would be an exciting opportunity for us to engage with young people, breaking down barriers and making sure our ‘Healthy, Safe, Secure’ messages are understood.

“We hope that young people will take up this fun opportunity. Training, equipment and bait will be provided free of charge although you are also more than welcome to bring your own. We hope to see you there!”

To book your free fishing session call or text Braunstone Blues on 07800 709 802. Spaces are limited.


Notes to editors:

  1. To find out more about Braunstone Blues please contact Braunstone Blues on 07800 709 802 or
  2. You can follow Braunstone Blues on social media:
    Facebook: @braunstoneblues
    Twitter: @braunstoneblues
    Instagram: braunstoneblues

About the Braunstone Blues

In May 2015 Braunstone Blues was established.  This is a dedicated team consisting of a Watch Manager and a Community Safety Advisor from Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service; Police Constable, and Police Community Support Officer, from Leicestershire Police; and a Paramedic from East Midlands Ambulance Service. The team has since extended to a second Paramedic and an Occupational Therapist.

999 demand data from all three services was analysed and it was found that the small geographical area of Braunstone produced close to 4,600 999 calls every year. This was roughly a 56% EMAS, 40% Police, and 4% Fire. The population of the area was 15,700 people living in 6,000 homes. This was shown to be the highest area of demand in all of Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.

The team work with partners and residents of Braunstone to deliver a healthier, safer and more secure community by educating and directing residents to appropriate services via a home visit service and delivering appropriate campaigns, to reduce the number of emergency calls in the area.

There are four main streams of work for Braunstone Blues; Home Visits, Community Events, working with high demand users and running Life Skills sessions in the community. 

Jessica Essex
Braunstone Blues Communications Officer
07966 111 273

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