FOI Ref:   825 – Animal Rescue

Response Date:  31 May 2016


Do you have any specialist equipment for animals, for example animal breathing apparatus? 

If so what equipment do you have, when was it purchased and how much did it cost? 

In the year 2005 how many call outs were attended where animals were involved?  What animals were involved in these call outs? 

In the year 2000 how many call outs were attended where animals were involved?  What animals were involved in these call outs? 

In the year 2015 how many call outs were attended where animals were involved?  What animals were involved in these call outs? 


LFRS currently has one set of large animal rescue equipment on a special appliance, but no respiratory protection or anything else of that nature.

Please see the attached PDF file of incidents categorised as animal rescues attended, broken down by year and type.

Please note that the information supplied in response to this Freedom of Information Act request provides data for inspection by the enquirer, but does not give automatic right to re-use the information contained in this response which is subject to copyright and is not licensed for reuse including marketing

