Tuesday 10 January at 10:00 hours
Central Fire and Rescue Station, Leicester

Leicestershire and Rutland Blood Bikes is a registered charity run by volunteers. The charity supports our hospitals by providing a free out of hour courier service to public health bodies between 7pm and 7am Monday to Friday, with 24 hour cover at weekends and during public holidays.

Recently, the charity decided to strategically place one of their Blood Bikes at Central Fire and Rescue Station in Leicester. The main benefit of this location is its close proximity to Leicester Royal Infirmary (as well as the other hospitals based in the city). Due to this, when there is an urgent need to transport items that will directly benefit patients care (such as blood, blood products, pathology samples, patient notes, x-rays, patient scans, surgical equipment and donated breast milk), it wouldn’t take the Blood Bike long to make the delivery, leading to a more effective and efficient service.

Andrew Brodie, Assistant Chief Fire and Rescue Officer at Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service, said: “It’s brilliant news that Leicestershire and Rutland Blood Bikes is locating one of its bikes at Central Fire and Rescue Station.”

“Having one of their bikes so close to the Leicester Royal Infirmary as well as Glenfield Hospital and Leicester General Hospital means they will be able to assist those in need when required, helping the hospitals save lives.”

“We warmly welcome the Blood Bikes to the station to help them provide a more efficient service to our local hospitals.”

Richard Collyer, Operations Manager and Trustee at Leicestershire and Rutland Blood Bikes, said: “We are delighted that we’ve been able to work with Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Services in basing one of our charity vehicles at Central Fire and Rescue Station. Such a base will greatly enhance the ease with which we can serve the local NHS.”

“By allowing us to base a vehicle at the fire and rescue station, Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service has reduced our costs and enabled us to spend more of our funds on the delivery of our service.”

“Central Fire and Rescue Station is an ideal location for us. Not only does it provide a secure location with all-hours access, but the proximity to the Leicester Royal Infirmary allows a volunteer to be at the hospital quickly and easily. The support and co-operation of Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service is greatly appreciated.”

We are looking to both local and national media to help raise the profile of the placement of the Blood Bike at Central Fire and Rescue Station and we would appreciate your attendance.

Where to find Central Fire and Rescue Station:
Lancaster Place, Lancaster Road, Leicester, LE1 7HB

For more information on Leicestershire and Rutland Blood Bikes, visit


Notes to editors
Senior officers and Leicestershire and Rutland Blood Bikes will be available for interviews on the day. If you are unable to attend, LFRS may be able to provide you with a section of images on request.

About the Service
Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service provides emergency response, prevention and protection services from 20 stations across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. Its headquarters is based in Birstall, Leicester.

The Service’s prevention, education, enforcement and inspection programmes have resulted in significant reductions in the number of incidents. In the last five years, fire related incidents have reduced by 32.6 percent.

During 2014/15, the Service attended 619 road traffic collisions, of which 155 were extrications freeing 194 people trapped inside their vehicles and completed 4316 home fire safety checks, fitting almost 4339 smoke alarms. Staff organised or supported almost 1590 events aimed at promoting fire and road safety and arson prevention, whilst also visiting 314 schools to deliver fire and road safety education to pupils.

Dominic Halliday
Communications and Digital Media Administrator
0116 229 2178

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